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Evelyn Hill

It was delightful to be a part of the KCKPD Community Police Peace walk on Saturday, March 26, 2022. The weather was a little chili as we started walking down 5th street from Washington Blvd, to Parallel, however, the hearts of those in attendance were warm and hopeful. This picture includes Commissioner Gayle Townsend in front with the black jacket, Attorney, Deryl Wynn, in a red jacket, and me, Dr. Evelyn Hill in the middle. The community was represented well, as there were many people from various parts of the community. The police department was well represented and interacted well with the crowd. Chief Oakman did a great job of ensuring the community that he is making a stronger effort toward improving the police department and community relationships. He said we can work together to make Wyandotte County a safe place to live, work and play. Mayor Garner, his team, judges, NAACP, pastors, Safe and Welcoming team and so many more were there. Thank you to the community for being there.

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